UUCOC Header

"We, the Unitarian Universalist Church of Oak Cliff, facilitate individual spiritual growth, and manifest our shared values through action with the greater community."


What should I expect on Sunday mornings?

You can expect warm smiles and friendly greetings. Refreshments are available in the lobby before the service and you can take them into the Sanctuary with you. Chiming bells signal the beginning of the service at 10:00 am. Our services generally follow a regular order of announcements, hymns, readings, sharing of joy and sorrows, sermon, and offertory. They often include a "dramatic moment" or special music. We have members of all ages at UUCOC — singles, couples, and families. We encourage everyone to sit wherever they are most comfortable.

After the service, adults are encouraged to stay for "Talk Back" — a great chance to share your thoughts, and hear what others think, about the sermon topic and more.

Is there "Sunday School"?

We currently do not offer youth religious exploration programs. Please see our Religious Exploration page for additional information.

   Religious Exploration

Adult religious exploration classes are offered as frequently as possible. Examples of past topics include: Ethical Eating, Non-Violent Communications, Developing your own Theology, and Immigration Myths and Facts. Sign up for the church "eBlasts" to stay abreast of any new offerings.


A photograph of the sculpture called 'The Prophet'

"The Prophet" 1964
by Alexander Bujalsky


What do people in this congregation believe? 

Our congregation affirms and promotes the individual's search for truth and meaning. As a result, we are a theologically diverse group. We count among our members Buddhists, Humanists, Christians, Pagans, Wiccans, Jews, Taoists, and Atheists as well as those whose journey is more eclectic. The Unitarian Universalist Association Principles and Purposes (commonly called the 7 principles) are as follows:

We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote -

The inherent worth and dignity of every person

Justice, equality and compassion in human relations

Acceptance of one another and encouragement in spiritual growth in our congregations

A free and responsible search for truth and meaning

The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large

The goal of world community with peace, liberty and justice for all

Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are part


Are people of diverse racial backgrounds welcome in this congregation?

We are an open and loving community. We encourage and support people from different ethnic and religious backgrounds to join us for worship on Sunday mornings. 


Are gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people welcome in the congregation?

Yes. Our church affirms and promotes the inherent worth and dignity of every human being. We were officially recognized in 2005 as a "Welcoming Congregation." 

   Welcoming Congregation


Are your facilities wheelchair accessible? 

We have recently upgraded the restroom facilities in both the Faith and Hope buildings to meet ADA requirements. Reserved accessible parking is available in both of our parking lots.


Do you have a hearing-assistance system available?

We offer the Williams Sound Personal PATM listening system for the convenience of those needing hearing assistance.


What should I wear to this church?

There are some who choose to dress up, but for the most part, people come in casual attire. Children should be dressed for comfort. Those attending Religious Education may be involved in (potentially messy) art projects or spend time outside on the playground. 


Can you help with transportation?

If you need assistance getting to our services, please contact us at least a few days in advance. A ride from the DART station can be arranged if we know you're coming. We also have members who drive in from many parts of the area and may be able to help.

  Contact Us


 Have you heard of BeliefNet.com and the "Belief-O-Matic®" Quiz?

A number of our members and friends have found this to be an interesting "conversation starter" when it comes to discussions about our beliefs.

From their website:  "Ever wondered what religion you are? Are you sure your faith is the best choice for you? Take our religion quiz to find out! Answer 20 questions about your concept of God, the afterlife, human nature, and more, and Belief-O-Matic® will tell you what religion or spiritual path (if any) best suits your beliefs."

"Belief-o-Matic" Quiz



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